Client Dispute & Complaint Resolution Process
The first step of the process can be raised either by filling out a feedback form (Such as the one in the Resource Centre), or by contacting Kathryn Barratt, Director, Community & Client Services, at either 519-504-5789, or KathrynBarratt@jhsww.ca.
If the writer asks for follow up, the Director, Community & Client Services or designate will contact the person making the complaint to gather more information.
All formal complaints must be submitted in writing preferably by email to the Director, Community & Client Services. The Director, Community & Client Services may take longer to respond to written complaints received via means other than email (e.g., mail, fax, hard copy hand delivered to JHSWW).
Clients should provide their name, contact information, best time to contact them and details of their situation in order for the Agency to respond.
Complaint inquiries will initially be responded to within 1 business day of receipt by the Director, Community & Client Services or designate. A reasonable time frame for further response will be agreed to depending on the nature and urgency of the complaint.
A written response that explains the outcome will be provided to the person making the complaint when warranted.
All complaints will be documented and will include the contact information of the person making the complaint, details of the complaint, and the process involved in addressing the complaint, and the outcome. A summary report that includes the actions taken will be provided to this service provider’s Executive Director and Serco Employment Services Manager.
If the client is not satisfied with the outcome of the complaints process, the client may submit a written appeal by email within 10 days to this service provider’s Executive Director. The Executive Director will inform the client of the time frame for providing a response. A written response to the appeal that explains the outcome will be provided to the client. The outcome of an appeal is final for this service provider.
If the complaint is not resolved, this service provider will notify the Serco Employment Services Manager and notify the client in writing that the unresolved issue has been escalated to Serco for further investigation and resolution.
Finally, if the client is unhappy with this service provider’s response, the client can contact Winnie Ngo, Serco Employment Services Manager, at 647-285-2467, or winnie.ngo@serco-na.com.